Astroverb transforms your social media feed into 3D printed jewelry.


Analyzing and transforming your Facebook Wall into a custom 3D-printed amulet.

The Creators Project commissioned three artists to transform your Facebook profile into a 3D printed object. We created a language-based horoscope system called Astroverb, built upon a fictitious Mystical-Scientific framework called Morpholumenology.

The application extracts your Facebook Wall Text. It then uses linguistic algorithms to analyze how much you talk about yourself, what time of day you do it, and how much you use certain categories of language, in addition to what your friends say to you. The algorithm plots all of this data on a circular chart called the Semantic Plane.

The application generates a predictive nugget of wisdom for you and traces out a customized shape called a Morphogram. Using the Shapeways 3D printing platform, you can print out your Morphogram as a real amulet.

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