A data landscape created from the live transcripts spoken by the three candidates.

Prime Numerics

Analyzing and reshaping the BBC Prime Minister debates in realtime for a theatre audience.

2010 was the first year that the UK Parliamentary elections included American style television debates between the party leaders. We were invited to do a live remix of the debates for the Future Everything festival in Manchester UK, in front of a seated audience.

Everything the three candidates said was run through natural language processing algorithms to compare and contrast the leader's emotional states and affinity for buzzwords. This data analysis was layered with transformed video and audio from the broadcast, and projected for the live audience. The performance was also streamed online.

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Future Everything


Creative Direction

Design & User Experience

Software Development

Data Visualization

Project Management

The words spoken by each candidate could be compared across a number of topics.

Visualizing first, second, and third person language spoken by the candidates.

Basking in the overwhelming amount of data generated during the debates.

“A dizzying array of word-usage analysis, highly stylised charts and visualisations, and an illuminating perspective on what the candidates are actually saying.”

ReConstitution 2008

A fresh spin on civic engagement with a remix of the Presidential Debates.

Set Top Box

Digital artwork based on the emotional content of soap operas for the 2010 Shanghai Biennale.